Te Hihi 8

Te Hihi: A Modern House with A Re-Worked Traditional Weatherboard and A Unique Roof

As the winner of the NZIA Local Award in 2016, Te Hihi is a modern house that sits on a beautiful landscape. Designed by Strachan Group Architects,  this house has a traditional weatherboard that has been re-worked to respond to the house’s elongated form. The roof is an all-encompassing wedge form that responds to the tapering landform of the site.

Casa Kwantes 9

Casa Kwantes: A Residential Villa with A Wall of 1930s Brickwork

Located in Rotterdam, MVRDV architects designed the Casa Kwantes as a residential villa that represents 1930s Dutch architecture with its brickwork. With 480 m² in size, this residence can give its residents the privacy they desire and at the same time opens up the house towards the garden and daylight. It is a private home that also has a distinct night-daytime separation.