Kicking Horse Residence 9

Kicking Horse Residence: A Modern and Rustic House with A Strong Connection to the Mountain Setting

This house has a modest lot size with a configurated building footprint to protect the evergreen trees at the south edge area. This configuration allows the natural drainage patterns to continue through the entire house. With a careful program arrangement, the family can have good privacy through the window composition and also enabling the transparency of the landscape view that can be enjoyed freely.

Forest House 2

Forest House: A Small Summer Home within Dark Evergreens and Bright Woodland

The room and structure of this house are still the same since 1973. The entrance is designed and sequences very well. All visitor need to walk along the bridge first, then take a few steps to the breezeway. Once they enter this house, they will be welcomed with a two-story main living area with the forest view as the main background that comes from the window.

Combs Point Residence 3

Combs Point Residence: A Quiet Retreat with Outbuilding Transparency for Life on the Water

Combs Point Residence is used as a holiday and weekend retreat for the family. It becomes an escape for this family from the modern world out there, spending more time and enjoy nature together without any technological distractions. One of the important rooms in this house is the kitchen because cooking is an important part of this family life.