Swiss House XXII Preonzo 13

Swiss House XXII Preonzo: A Small Construction with Universal Meaning and Contemporary Interpretation

Every space inside the house has been drawn and designed precisely then flow easily into the next space. It can create a dynamic effect of the compression or dilation. Some levels have openings with beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. The client also can enjoy the view of the agricultural fields and low mountains with the Swiss Alps characteristic peaks.

Swisshouse XXXII Rossa 8

Swisshouse XXXII Rossa: A Living Sculpture on the Cusp between Architecture and Art

There is nothing new in the site of Swisshouse XXXII Rossa. This spiritual and physical place still resists any kind of commoditization. History and nature are combined together with each object placed on the site. The building is placed along a volume line spatially of the patrician house. The new volume is added to define the building axis conceptually and physically.

Living Garden House 6

Living-Garden House in Katowice: A Unique House with Form and Materials that Represent Local Traditions

The construction of this house is monolithic and finishes with the unique clinker brick. The external walls of the house are made from brickwork, so does the garage gates. The house roof features hidden gutters and grey EPDM membranes. The interior of first floor and brick ground comes in white. The flooring is made from polyurethane resin.

Konieczny's Ark 11

Konieczny’s Ark: A Fully Open One-Storey Building with A Wonderful View on Mountain Landscape

The architect and the owner of the house want to show that it is possible to build and design a house in a sloping area of the hill. With the right solution and a good design plan, this house can be a comfortable living place, getting a lot of benefits from the site too. The house turns into a perfect place to enjoy nature in a beautiful high area.