The Meeting House: Reflecting a Simple Architecture with Traditional Materials and Techniques

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Mark Reigelman was responsible for designing the Meeting House. Located in Boston Massachusetts, the Meeting House development was inspired by the simple architecture of Boston’s first colonial settlers. During the development process, the firm used traditional materials and techniques.

The end result, they managed to create a brightly painted New England Quaker-style structure that sinks into the Rose Kennedy Greenway’s grassy lawn.

The Meeting House is extending over 14’ in the air. Its precariously positioned structure invites the visitors to explore the area’s built environment. When developing the structure, Mark Reigelman took the fluidity of Boston’s landscape into consideration.

They also considered the challenge notions of community while recreating the area’s unique past. Meanwhile, the project was commissioned by the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy and assisted by Lucas Cowan.

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The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 14

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The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 12

The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 11

The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 10

The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 9

The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 8

The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 7

The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 6

The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 5

The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 4

The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 3

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The Meeting House Reflecting A Simple Architecture With Traditional Materials And Techniques 1

Via Mark Reigelman

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Alana Groom

Alana Groom

Total posts created: 367
“An idea is salvation by imagination.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

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